Engineers from Birmingham-based building services provider J S Wright turned to pedal power to raise an impressive £1,525 for the British Heart Foundation.

The successful J S Wright London to Brighton Bike Riders: from left to right (back row) Brett Ferguson, George Garner, Phil Leech, Mehmet Emin, Gerry Rae, Robin Thorne and Steve Cargill (from R&M Fittings) and (front row) Leon Brooks, Tino De Freitas and Paul Featherston
Engineers from Birmingham-based building services provider J S Wright turned to pedal power to raise an impressive £1,525 for the British Heart Foundation.
A team of ten cyclists from the company’s Aston and London offices won the mental and physical battle to complete this year’s London to Brighton Bike Ride and even beat their fund-raising target of £1,000.
Mehmet Emin, Gerry Rae, Leon Brooks, Brett Ferguson, George Garner and Tino de Freitas, all currently working on the new £47 million Zenith House housing development in Barnet, were among the team that cycled the 54-mile route.
They were joined by Contracts Director Phil Leech who also raised £170 individually, Operations Director for London and the South East Paul Featherston, Contracts Manager Robin Thorne, and Director of R&M Fixings Steve Cargill, who also sponsored the sleek J S Wright cycling kit.
Phil Leech, based in Birmingham, said: “This was a fantastic effort by a team that included a number of cycling novices, every one of whom was determined to raise as much money as possible for such a vital cause. Our thanks go to all the clients, suppliers and fellow staff and their families that sponsored us.”