Man dies after motorway bridge fall
Witnesses to incident sought.
Witnesses to incident sought.
Advice for trick or treaters and people at home.
Mum of shooting victim urges witnesses to come forward.
A campaign launched by West Midlands Police to raise awareness of human trafficking is going down a storm on social media.
Amongst four arrested following investigation at HMP Birmingham.
Preparation for National Hate Crime Awareness Week.
Police “delighted” with response from job seekers.
Claim by West Midlands Chief Constable.
Force looks at making savings in order to maintain services.
Tackling knife crime throughout the region.
Recognition for bringing about law change.
Witnesses sought to incident near Coventry Road.
Police continue to appeal for student death witnesses.
Crime does pay for local hospice.
Warning of driving bans and vehicle seizures.
Recognition for outstanding service to the community.
Investigation promised into Handsworth man’s arrest.
Investigations still ongoing.
Local police aim to recruit more volunteer officers.
Safer travel as police watch over new starters.
CPS employees set up taxi scam to defraud the public purse.
Opportunity to question Sandwell police.
Victim of club attack remains critical.
Motorway police are launching a new safety initiative aimed at cutting down on inappropriate lane use.
Young people join ‘gangs’ in response to a multitude of hardships and the role of the family should not be exaggerated or stigmatised, says a team of criminologists at London Metropolitan University.
Black US teenager Trayvon Martin’s shooting, and subsequent acquittal of his killer, elicits this from Laurence Inman.
Police, council and religious leaders speak ahead of Saturday’s English Defence League gathering in Birmingham.
Police are continuing with their investigation into the Tipton nail bomb.
“Serious harm” was the likely intention of Friday’s nail bomb.
Steve Beauchampé takes issue with government and corporate hypocrisy, tazered with a dose of racist malignancy within the private sector.