From our staff
The medical charity Ammalife, which this website formally supports, is taking part in The Big Give to raise cash to improve maternal health care around the world.
Over the years, we here at TheBirminghamPress have told readers how this Birmingham-based charity works with doctors and nurses in developing countries to raise medical standards and save lives.
‘We live in a world where a mother dies every 90 seconds- and most of these deaths are preventable.’ says Ammalife sp0keswoman Maria Gee.
Now the Big Give, which distributes cash to UK charities, has chosen Ammalife as one of the organisations it wants to help this summer . Donate online (see below) and you can win a £2000 first prize. And 96p from every £1 donated goes straight to Ammalife.
Find out more about The Big Give drive below:
And if you want to learn more about Ammalife, click on to: