Number One to Paradise
Alan Clawley on the latest city centre property developments.
Alan Clawley on the latest city centre property developments.
Alan Clawley poses a demolition query.
The Friends of the Central Library are holding a symposium to consider the possible future for John Madin’s library
Alan Clawley asks; “How wise then was it for the Council to borrow money on a public library, a statutory service that would produce little or no income stream…”
Alan Clawley questions the openness of The Forum and reminds us ‘public’ spaces are becoming hard to find.
Alan Clawley detects a hole where others see an amphitheatre in Birmingham
Alan Clawley has been delving in the warehouse that stores the hidden treasures of Birmingham’s remarkable past.
Theatre company Don’t Go Into The Cellar plan to give Birmingham Central Library’s Shakespeare Memorial Room a horrifyingly good send-off….
The ‘connectivity’ argument will be exposed as the latest attempt by the council to justify the sacrifice of a sound and useful building, writes Alan Clawley
“…all the more reason to take the chance and have a wander round Architect John Madin’s radical design.”
Of all the services provided by Birmingham City Council why is a new public library singled out for special treatment?