Boost for Birmingham smart transport company
Conigital project awarded £2.2 million to develop next generation of autonomous vehicles.
Conigital project awarded £2.2 million to develop next generation of autonomous vehicles.
Bill-paying platform acquired by student broadband specialists.
Expansion for software design house.
Technical showcase returns to city venue.
Byte-size advice on offer in bid to boost digital take-up.
Kaido secures £50,000 funding from Creative England.
£20 million tie-up aims to increase use of green technology.
Applications invited for smart transport start-ups.
Expansion of enterprise space on campus.
Competition victory for innovative presenter.
Climate-KIC announces launch of ClimateLaunchpad 2016 competition at Innovation Birmingham Campus.
Venue to host prestigious science exhibition.
Innovation Birmingham launches Serendip Smart Cities Incubator.
Bank announced as partner in Innovation Birmingham iCentrum® incubator.
Extra funding will enable the roll out of services across North America, Europe and Australia Pacific.
Vanti wins international award at InAVation Awards 2016.
Further boost for retail sector.
Droplet heads back to Crowdcube for second funding bid.
Aim to reverse shortage of software professionals.
Richard Lutz ponders the last seven days…filled with twins, storms and cursed time
Midlands on track for jobs boost and greater connectivity as countdown to HS2 begins.
Opportunity to develop skills and experience with top company.
Upgrade increases connectivity speeds.
More than 6,000 businesses and homes to recieve high-speed connection.
Free seminar will arm businesses with knowledge to prevent cyberattacks.
Funding for Innovation Birmingham Campus-based GuyKat.
Planning application submitted for Universities Centre.
Passenger-friendly advance for airline.
Sky is the limit as firm boosts cloud services with funding help.
Innovation Birmingham signs Memorandum of Understanding with Toronto’s Digital Media Zone.