Johnny Winter, who has died, was everything a white albino blues guitarist should be, says Richard Lutz

Woodstock Reunion, Parr Meadows, Ridge, New York, 1979
Johnny Winter. Woodstock Reunion, Parr Meadows, Ridge, NY.
Photo: Bob Sanderson
If any name would make me pull out my wallet or draw me into a club, outdoor concert or arena, it was Johnny Winter who died this week, aged 70.
I first saw the gangly white haired guitarist when he played with BB King in 1970 in New York’s Central Park. You got the feeling BB was looking over his shoulder as the Texan freakie musician, in his black leathers, tats, albino skin blew out the crowd. BB, after all, had indelible roots in southern gospel music and his songs reflected that sweet background.
Winter, from south Texas, had his roots somewhere between Neptune and Jupiter. And he was so wiped out and weird looking that he was once mistaken for old time blonde bombshell Mae West.
He had a patchy career, his life scarred by heroin, depression and a parade of pills. Muddy Waters called Winter his ‘adopted son.’
I caught up with Winter during his endless tours. I saw him twice at The Robin, a pearl of a joint for hard rock in Bilston just outside of Birmingham. By this time, he was in his mid sixties, ill, skeletal and emaciated. He had to be helped to a chair by a backing group musician.
His music was searing and will continue to be. And he ended the set with his late career classic of Dylan’s Highway 61, which to this day is one of my all time greats.
Rock and roll is the poorer with his death.
I saw Johnny many times over the years. Just two yrs ago, I saw him in Portland Maine. He was looking weak. I saw him with George Thoroughgood in the early ’80’s. There was a fight behind us and I got hit in the back of head with a steel chair. Ahh, the memories
Saw him in Newcastle many yrs ago…YI Man
Too many dying recently… Keep the music alive
Fastest guitar in Woodstock nation
Makes me wonder how I’ve gone so long without ever hearing of him – not once.
Try this this gem…….
so here is young Johnny, seen here with Al Kooper and Mike Bloomfield, to go with the older Johnny of the last post:
and this is a brief explanation from down in the comments:
” …The night of this concert Michael introduced the audience to”one of the guys thats gonna take over” and introduced Johnny “Winters” who he had heard play in Chicago some time before.The crowd was less than hospitable to the point Al said “Come on, you gotta make him feel more welcome than that!” And about 12 minutes later the crowd was on its feet after this BLISTERING performance and gave him the standing ovation he deserved before he set foot on stage.The Columbia Brass signed him 3 days later…”