For the fourth year in succession the Stoford sponsored Midlands Property Rugby Team has retained the title in the annual Tri Region Charity Rugby Festival.

Triumphant team (left to right): Jonathan Robinson, DTZ; Gerard Ludlow, Stoford and Dan Gallagher, Stoford
Captained by Jonathan Robinson, Associate Director at DTZ, the team were declared victorious after three hard fought and competitive games where the results were Yorkshire 24 – 10 North West, Midlands 17 – 10 Yorkshire, Midlands 10 – 5 North West.
The event, held at Heywood Road, Sale, was organised by Jonathan Robinson and Tony O’Keefe from DTZ, David Robinson, Savills, Adam McGuiness, JLL and Rob Whatmuff, LSH.
Jonathan said: “This year proved to be a great tournament with some high quality competitive games of rugby. Credit goes to all North West, Yorkshire and Midlands teams involved.
“A strong combined Midlands team performance enabled us to retain another victory for the fourth year running. Whilst we have taken the winning trophy home again this year, rugby was the true winner on the day.
“Our thanks go to our main sponsor Stoford and other sponsors including DTZ, JLL, CBRE, DBK, Industrial Agents Society, Commercial Property Register, Cormack, Sloane Curtis Enforcement, Blocks 4 Hire, Zero Trace and The Bottom Line for making this happen.”
The Stoford ‘Midlands Man of the Match’ award, presented by Dan Gallagher, Joint Managing Director of Stoford went to Rob Griffin of Carillion PLC.
Dan said: “Everyone had a tremendous day and it highlighted the competitive camaraderie of all those involved. Stoford is proud to sponsor such a positive sporting event that also helps those less fortunate.”
Money raised will be given to chosen charities, Cure Leukaemia and Bowel Cancer Research.