‘Written Image’ – Poetry and Art workshop

Explore the power of imagery in poetry, and the presence of words in art, on this unique poetry and art workshop, lead by professional poet Helen Calcutt, and nationally exhibited artist Peter Tinkler.

Written Image @ BMAGWorking in the Birmingham Art Gallery, enjoy a day of writing, painting, making, and experimenting. Be inspired by the stories in the images, and the images in the poetry, and generate your own creative pieces in a workshop that celebrates the inspiring relationship between language and visual art.

The workshop is suitable for children ages 7-11, families are welcome.

Location: Birmingham Museum
19th January 2013 – 19th January 2013
Time: 11am-3pm. Cost: £3 per child
Please bring a packed lunch, and bottled water.

Bookings: in Person at Gas Hall Reception (Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery)
By telephone: 0121 303 1966 or BOOK ONLINE

For more information about the day please contact Julia Kirbyjulia.kirby@birmingham.gov.uk