Recipe for successes in Birmingham

Campaign to cut down food waste continues.

National charity Love Food Hate Waste has been out and about across Birmingham providing free training to residents to help families to save up to £700 per year by simply reducing household food waste.

To date around 300 residents have learned how to save money on their food bills by attending one of the free training sessions run by Love Food Hate Waste’s trainer Emma Barnett and learning some top tips to make their food to further.

Faye Healy, the Community Links Co-ordinator from Birmingham’s Crisis centre said, “I really enjoyed today’s session and will promote with friends, family and colleagues. I found it very useful and will definitely be moving my eggs when I get home .”

Another participant said, “For the first time on Saturday I cooked a chicken dinner and with the leftovers I put it all into a curry sauce and froze it! Great!!!!!”

The training has proved successful with Children’s Centres, Community Volunteer Groups, Housing Associations and many more. Any individuals, groups or businesses who are interested in arranging a free training session can get in touch with Emma on 07904 528186 or

Brian Turner, who recently hosted a live event run by Love Food Hate Waste and Central England Co-operative at University College Birmingham, commented: “Managing food waste is a big issue in the catering industry but many people don’t realise that just a few simple tips and pointers can dramatically reduce how much food they throw out at home.”

Love Food Hate Waste is a national campaign working to raise awareness of the need to reduce food waste and help us take action. It shows that by doing some easy, practical, everyday things in the home we can all waste less food, which will ultimately benefit our purses and the environment too.