Free theatre tickets for local charities

Theatre company donating for good causes.
HG Flyer

A Lichfield-based drama company is inviting local charities to get in touch if they would like to see great theatre for free. The Lichfield Players are giving away a designated number of complimentary tickets to charity, which usually sell for £14 each full price, for their main house productions at the city’s Garrick Theatre.

“We’ve given tickets to charity in the past and would love to make it established practice to donate a batch of 40 charity tickets for the opening night of all our main stage shows,” said Players Chairman Andrew Bodger. “It’s a great way for charities to reward dedicated volunteers and supporters, or to sell the tickets to raise valuable funds for their own worthwhile causes. The Lichfield Players sold 40 tickets for charity for our January production of Outside Edge and raised £400 for a school in Zambia.”

The next production eligible for the offer is Garden by Alan Ayckbourn. The play opens at the Lichfield Garrick on Wednesday 8th October.

“Not only should this be a great night out but it’s also a rare opportunity to see this seldom performed work: Garden was specifically written by Ayckbourn as one of a pair of plays to be performed by the same cast at the same time on different stages. So whilst audiences in the main house watch the hilarious outdoor goings on at an annual garden fete, in the Garrick’s Studio venue the same cast will simultaneously deliver the indoor side of the story in Ayckbourn’s play House.

“We’re delighted to be working in collaboration with Different Animal Theatre Group on such an exciting and ambitious project which requires incredibly well-timed to-ing and fro-ing between the Garrick’s two stages. While our free ticket offer extends to Garden only, we hope audiences will be intrigued to see House too. That way theatre-goers will get to see the full story surrounding one summer afternoon’s mesmerizing unraveling of events.”

Charities interested in complimentary ticket allocation to Garden or to other Lichfield Players’ main house productions, including ’Allo ‘Allo in January 2015, should contact Andrew Bodger at