Raising roofs to improve the lives of people with dementia

Sing for the brain and improve lives.

Alzheimer’s Society Singing for the Brain has been given a financial boost by Got2Sing, to the tune of £1120 – not only raising valuable funds, Got2Sing have also been raising roofs across the West Midlands and beyond, to improve the lives of people with Dementia.

The four Got2Sing choirs which meet in Bewdley, Worcester, Stourbridge and Wombourne raised the money at their Christmas concerts to support Alzheimer’s Society’s ‘Singing for the Brain’ programme in Worcestershire.

Singing for the Brain is a programme developed by Alzheimer’s Society for people with memory problems. It promotes communication through singing which can help with articulation, concentration, focus and motivation. Specially trained facilitators deliver a varied programme of vocal, rhythmic and gentle physical exercise and dance, along with songs from different eras and styles.

Gillian Read, Alzheimer’s Society Support Services Manager in Worcestershire, said: “We are incredibly grateful to the Got2Sing choirs for raising this money. Singing for the Brain is a fantastic opportunity for people living with dementia to get out of the house and be uplifted by singing together. Similarly, people who go to Got2Sing choirs have the same feeling when they sing together.  One organisation supporting the other is wonderful”

Got2Sing are an organisation with groups across the West Midlands, Herefordshire and Shropshire aimed at people of all ages and with all singing abilities.

To find out more about Singing for the Brain contact Gill Read on 01562 823800 or 07803 116557 or email gillian.read@alzheimers.org.uk.

To find out more about Got2Sing contact Beth Dunn, director, on 07815 894788 or email sing@got2sing.co.uk