Celebrities sign up for run

Trott and Purnell go Head 2 Head for BUPA Great Birmingham Run.

Jonathan Trott and Glynn Purnell are raising the stakes for the BUPA Great Birmingham Run as they prepare to lead a team of runners ‘Head 2 Head’ for Cure Leukaemia.

The Head 2 Head challenge will see Cure Leukaemia’s team of over 400 runners join either Team Red or Team White to compete for the collective fastest run time and the most sponsorship raised.

Each team will be led by their honorary Team Captains, charity patron and Michelin-starred Birmingham chef Glynn Purnell on Team Red and Warwickshire and England cricketer Jonathan Trott on Team White. The charity hopes to raise £100,000 from the run which will leverage £1million of revolutionary drugs for leukaemia patients.

Glynn Purnell, Cure Leukaemia patron and Michelin starred chef, said: “Having spent the past few years as a patron of Cure Leukaemia, I have seen how important vital fundraising is to continue with its work.

“With over 400 runners supporting Cure Leukaemia in this year’s run we can make a real difference in treating leukaemia patients in the Midlands and raising awareness of the charity on a larger scale. It’s an honour to be heading up Team Red and I’m confident that with my leadership skills we can nick it against Team White, Trotty doesn’t stand a chance against me!”

Jonathan Trott, a long-term Cure Leukaemia supporter said: “I ran in last year’s BUPA Great Birmingham Run so I know what a fantastic occasion it is and I would have run this year but my England commitments prevent me from taking part. I’m delighted to be supporting as an honorary Team Captain on Team White this year. As an avid Tottenham fan, its only right I take my team’s colours especially as our rival Arsenal’s are red. I wish Glynn the best of luck – he’ll need it!”

Each week Head 2 Head will profile members of each team’s vital stats on the Cure Leukaemia website to encourage friendly competition, kick starting the challenge with Free Radio presenter Russ Morris and West Midlands Fire Fighter and former leukaemia patient Adam Joyce.

Both Team Red and Team White will be supplied with bespoke technical running vests courtesy of Cure Leukaemia’s BUPA Great Birmingham Run partner, New Balance UK.

Follow team red and team white’s progress on their ‘head to head’ profiles at www.cureleukaemia.co.uk. Follow us on Twitter at @cureleukaemia or like us on Facebook atwww.facebook.com/CureLeukaemia.

We’re still looking for more people to join Team Cure Leukaemia for our biggest fundraising event this year. Sign up for this year’s run closes on Monday 9 September. For more information or to sign up please email info@cureleukaemia.co.uk or call 0121 236 9202