Heart of England Community Foundation announces fund for communities

Charity launches emergency fund to support communities during the Covid-19 crisis.

has helped over 6,000 projects across the region and awarded over £20 million since being founded 25 years ago. The Foundation, which is based in the heart of Coventry, prides itself on the support it offers to the region and wants to ensure important services that local people rely on are not falling by the wayside during the current crisis.

This urgent appeal has been launched to create a Coronavirus Resilience Fund, which will be used to help champion local communities and projects, ensuring that they are still being funded and not forgotten about during the uncertain times we find ourselves in.

Tina Costello, Chief Executive at Heart of England Community Foundation, comments: “Here at Heart of England Community Foundation, we understand the impact that Covid-19 will have on communities; personally, financially and when it comes to the capacity to support vulnerable people. It’s vital that local communities come together and support each other in these hard and uncertain times.

“The charity sector relies on donations to ensure they are helping those in need, and as a Community Foundation we want to ensure that the local support continues throughout this period.”

The fund will be available to constituted groups who are providing services such as food banks, social eating projects, emergency food parcel deliveries and those engaging in outreach activities; all vital for various constituencies within the West Midlands.

Tina continues: “We are reaching out to local companies and people alike across the West Midlands who are able to support us in taking action and helping our most vulnerable neighbours. We are keen to make sure that we are helping organisations receive the support that they need during this time but by doing this we need support from those in our area. It’s our role to provide a voice for those who may not be shouting the loudest, but without whom whole communities would suffer immeasurably.”

Heart of England Community Foundation has contributed to the fund and will relinquish its management fee ensuring that 100% of donations will go to supporting the West Midlands. The Foundation is appealing to businesses and individuals across the region to commit funds and has already raised £50,000 with the help of Wesleyan, Coventry Building Society, Harry Payne Trust, and Youell Family Fund. More donations are needed to truly make an impact on emerging issues in the local communities, and the wider charity sector during this time.

For more information and how to contribute to the fund visit here. Alternatively, call 024 7688 4434 or email info@heartofenglandcf.co.uk.