Hospice joins law partners for Wills Month

John Taylor Hospice to benefit from discounted wills.

John Taylor Hospice has partnered with two local solicitors to offer people a discounted will writing service this March.

During Wills Month people can make or update a single will for £60 and a double will for £110 – with half the fee being donated to John Taylor Hospice.

Hospice Head of Fundraising Katie Mitchell said: “Making a will gives you peace of mind knowing that your wishes will be followed after you have died. Our discounted Wills Month service will help you to control your legacy and ensure that your loved ones will be taken care of.

“After making sure those close to you will be provided for, you can choose to leave a gift in your will to John Taylor Hospice. There is no obligation to do this but we would, of course, be incredibly grateful if you chose to remember our charity in your will. Gifts kindly left in wills are so important as they help us to provide care and support for hundreds of local families every day. Legacies also help to ensure our services are available for generations of families to come.”

Dawn Smith, who has motor neurone disease, attends the hospice’s Living Well Centre, taking part in activities and learning techniques to manage her symptoms. “I enjoy coming to the hospice,” says Dawn, aged 54 of Shard End. “I feel normal – no illness is ever mentioned, and the staff are wonderful.”

Solicitors participating in John Taylor’s Wills Month are Baches LLP and Robert Shaw and Co. To register please visit www.johntaylorhospice.org.uk or contact the John Taylor Hospice Fundraising Team at fundraising@johntaylorhospice.org.uk or on 0121 728 6739.

When you register you will be sent a free Wills Month Information Pack containing useful information about writing your will.