Boost for cancer support charity

Breast Friends Solihull donate £20,000 to new cancer support centre.

Breast Friends Solihull have extended the vital support they offer to local women affected by breast cancer by making a remarkable £20,000 donation to Breast Cancer Haven’s new West Midlands centre which will open on St. Bernard’s Road, Solihull next month.

Run by a committed group of volunteers, Breast Friends Solihull fundraise tirelessly throughout the year to provide support to women affected by breast cancer. As well as providing emotional and financial support to individuals, the group also funds other breast cancer support services for local women, including specialist hospital equipment for patients undergoing treatment for the condition.

This donation to Breast Cancer Haven, West Midlands is the largest the local centre has received to date and will enable the charity to complete the refurbishment of the kitchen at the new centre.

Christine Pile of Breast Friends Solihull said, “Our members are delighted and very proud that we have been able to support Breast Cancer Haven, West Midlands with the donation of £20.000.

“Our group is run by a dedicated team of volunteers who have all experienced breast cancer as a patient or cared for a loved one. We support local ladies through their cancer journey from the initial diagnosis, when much seems frightening and unknown, all through treatment, recovery and beyond.”

The group is supported by the expertise of consultant surgeons, oncologists, specialist doctors and nurses who give up their valuable time to speak at our meetings and provide up-to-date information on developments in treatment. Breast Friends Solihull supports both NHS and private sector patients to provide practical support and can offer financial help towards many support services to help women going through this difficult time.

“Breast Friends Solihull is looking forward to the opening of Breast Cancer Haven, West Midlands as the facility will provide additional support to our ladies.”

Breast Cancer Haven, West Midlands – opening in October 2017 – will provide vital one-to-one support for the 12,500 breast cancer patients in the West Midlands region, a service currently unavailable locally. Led by a clinical specialist, Breast Cancer Haven, West Midland’s trained professional nurses, therapists and counsellors will work closely with NHS partners to go beyond medical treatment, to help service users and their families cope with the wider impact of breast cancer.

The centre will provide personalised, specialist care including counselling, acupuncture and massage as well as nutritional advice, welfare and money guidance, support groups, meditation and exercise group classes, emotional freedom technique sessions, workshops and outreach days.

Amanda Elliott, Fundraising Manager for Breast Cancer Haven said, “We are extremely grateful to Breast Friends Solihull for this amazing donation. The group have been so supportive of our new centre and are already providing invaluable assistance to local women with breast cancer. We are very much looking forward to working closely with them to ensure that everyone with breast cancer gets the emotional, physical and practical support they need, when they need it.”

She added, “The kitchen at Breast Cancer Haven, West Midlands will be a vital part of the centre. A place where our volunteers can prepare healthy and nutritious meals for our visitors, and where our visitors can talk to others about their hopes and fears. This wonderful donation will ensure that we are able to get everything in the kitchen ready in time for the opening.”

Breast Cancer Haven, West Midlands must raise £600,000 each year to run its free support service for local women. Anyone – including trusts, foundations, companies and individuals – who would like to get involved with the future of the Breast Cancer Haven, West Midlands should contact Amanda Elliott, Fundraising Manager on 07497 354428 or email

For more information about Breast Cancer Haven, visit