Press regulator to hold Birmingham event

Have you a question about newspaper standards? Then this is for you.

The Independent Press Standards Organisation – the regulator for the UK newspaper and magazine industry that holds publications to account for their actions – is to hold a Town Hall-style meeting in Birmingham to mark its second anniversary.

Staged in association with the Birmingham Mail and Birmingham Press Club, the event will be chaired by BBC WM 95.6 FM’s breakfast show host Adrian Goldberg.

The public meeting, which will take place at the One Snowhill offices of KPMG on Wednesday 14th September starting at 6.30 pm, is an opportunity for members of the public, community groups, local politicians and journalism students to hear from the press regulator and ask questions of an expert media panel.

Press Club chairman Llewela Bailey said: “The Q & A session is an ideal platform for anyone who wishes to discover more about the role of an important industry ‘watchdog ’.”

IPSO regulates the overwhelming majority of the UK press, both national and local newspapers and magazines, including all the significant titles in the Midlands, and can make newspapers and magazines publish corrections if they breach the Editors Code.

On the panel will be IPSO chairman Sir Alan Moses, Keith Harrison, editor of the Express & Star and Paul Mottram, the head of Legal & Compliance for publisher Trinity Mirror. Other panellists are expected to be added over the next few weeks.

The meeting is open to the public but in order to organise refreshments and seating, those attending should email

Commenting on the event, Adrian Goldberg said: “Newspapers, whether online or in print, remain a very important part of how local communities define themselves and find out what is going on where they live. I’m very pleased to have the chance to chair the IPSO public meeting in Birmingham and look forward to seeing members of the public quiz the people who are responsible for press standards and dealing with complaints about press wrongdoing.”

IPSO chairman Sir Alan Moses, a former Lord Justice of Appeal, said: “Regulators can be distant and opaque organisations but I am determined to make IPSO as accessible and open as I possibly can. I would encourage anyone with an interest in how the press works and is regulated to come to the meeting and contribute to what I hope will be a fascinating evening.”

For further information on IPSO email or phone 0300 123 2220. It operates an emergency advice hotline on 07659 152656.

One thought on “Press regulator to hold Birmingham event

  1. IPSO is not independent and it does not hold newspapers to account. I wouldn’t give this excuse for a regulator legitimacy by attending. Lies, distortions and untruths about the EU, lies about Corbyn, but who cares, immense power without any responsibility and the Tories too close to the media empires of Murdoch, Desmond and the Barclay Brothers to implement Levison. Perhaps IPSO should invite someone from Hacked Off onto the panel to balance things up a bit….but that might spoil their tightly controlled event.

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