The Birmingham Press

To Brexit or not to Brexit

Andy Munro would like some straight answers.

I was hoping to make a decision not based on a gut reaction, eg. I hate bureaucracy (Brexit); my daughter is taking up residence in France (not to Brexit). However every paper that I read has a biased stance and the Electoral Commission’s leaflet is worse than useless merely spouting misleading facts from both sides which I suppose is meant to ‘balance’ things up. Have I the time or the will to spend hours reading and researching? No!

So here’s a few questions that maybe Birmingham Press readers can answer….

– Since we joined the EU, how much have we put in and how much have we taken out (This includes agricultural subsidies etc)?
– How does this compare with Germany and France?
– How many EU immigrants have arrived in this country in the last five years?
– How many refugees have we accepted in the last year?
– In both cases, how does this compare with Germany and France and is it pro rata in relation to the land mass?
– What proportion of the EU budget goes on administration and how approx. does that compare with the proportion spent on governing the UK?
– What proportion of our exports go to EU countries and what proportion go outside?
– Why would it be more difficult to export to EU countries if we left bearing in mind we all rely on each other and businesses have existing , longstanding trade relations?
– Similarly the position on imports.

Answers on the back of a virtual postcard please. ‘

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