Reminder to city electorate

Don’t lose your right to vote in 2016.

People across the city are being urged to make sure they are registered to vote in next year’s elections.

Registration forms containing current details of people listed on the electoral register have been sent to all Birmingham households. Reminders have also been sent to households which have not yet confirmed details or returned their forms.

Individuals who fail to register to vote will be unable to have their say at next year’s elections.

Anyone not included on the electoral register not only loses their vote but may also have difficulty getting credit, making it difficult to get a mortgage or even a phone contract in future.

In order to confirm their details are correct or to make any necessary changes, people must complete and return their forms by returning the registration form in the Freepost envelope provided by 5TH October 2015.

Alternatively people can also confirm their details are correct by using a Freephone number, text messaging or online – details of these with unique security codes are on the reminder forms currently being delivered – or individuals can register by visiting

Canvassers will also be visiting approximately 140,000 homes between 9 th October and 21st October to obtain information on people aged over 16 at these addresses, to ensure the register is up to date. If forms are returned by any of the methods detailed before 5th October, the number of homes to be visited will be reduced, resulting in costs savings not only for the City Council but, ultimately, for Birmingham council tax payers.

A further 20,000 homes will be visited between 25th September and 5th October, when canvassers will hand deliver first reminder Invitation to Register forms, to people who are new to the property and therefore not on the city’s electoral register.

Robert Connelly, Head of Electoral Services at Birmingham City Council, said: “I would urge all households who haven’t completed their electoral registration forms to do so as soon as possible. Registering to vote is both quick and simple. Responding to the annual canvass is vital to ensure that you are able to vote.

“Anyone who is not registered will be unable to vote in next year’s local or Police and Crime Commissioner elections, or be able to have their say in the proposed EU referendum. It could also prevent you getting credit, which could affect something as simple as getting a phone contract or a mortgage in future.”

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