Fun from Cauldwell Children

Magical activity days in Tamworth and Cheslyn Hay will entertain and educate disabled children.

Caudwell Children, the national charity that provides practical and emotional support to disabled children and their families, has announced that it is to deliver two Magical Mayhem activity days, in Tamworth and Cheslyn Hay.

The sessions will see professional performers teaching magic and circus skills to young disabled people aged 8-18 years.

The first activity day will take place on Tuesday 14th April, 2015, at Tamworth DAC Activity Centre, Deltic Road, Glascote, Tamworth, B77 2HJ. The session will be repeated on Wednesday 15th April, 2015, at Cheslyn Hay Village Hall, Pinfold Lane, Cheslyn Hay, Ws6 7HP.

The charity is now urging parents to register their child on the free programme.

Keller McHenry, Short Break Activities Coordinator for Caudwell Children, says that whilst it’s sure to be a fun packed day there is a very serious side to the programme. As he explained: “Magic never fails to capture the imagination and I’m sure participants will be spellbound by what they see.

“However, the programme has also been designed to encourage social interaction in a fully supported, secure environment. The Caudwell Children team will encourage young people to fully immerse themselves in the activities and make new friends.”

Keller says that 78% of disabled children in the UK have no access to activities outside of their home. However, he believes that Caudwell Children’s programmes are going some way to addressing this issue.

Keller said: “Our activity days give participants invaluable skills whilst at the same time building their confidence and self-esteem. During the day children will work as a team to prepare for a performance in front of their parents and carers. The day will also enable families to form lasting social networks.”

The Caudwell Children activity days are ASDAN accredited as part of their Key Steps Award. ASDAN is a pioneering curriculum development organisation and awarding body, which ensures that accredited programmes grow skills for learning, skills for employment and skills for life.

Key Steps is a comprehensive programme of activities in a range of topic areas covering Citizenship, PSHE, Environmental Education, Personal Finance Education, Enterprise and internationalism.

Keller says that the activity days have always been popular with young people and he’s urging parents to get in touch as soon as possible: “There are limited places on the programme and we take bookings on a first come first serve basis. The programme is completely FREE making it accessible to more families.”

To find out more, and to book your child onto the programme, telephone Keller on 01782 600844 or email

Alternatively call Caroline Evans on 01782 600263 or email

Parents are advised to provide a packed lunch for their child.