Kitchen Garden Cafe news

Plenty to see at Kings Heath venue. 

The Kitchen Garden Café in Kings Heath have reminded us that they still have plenty of show lined up for the rest of this month.

Saturday 14th September is the 50th anniversary of the Rolling Stones Ritz Ballroom Concert, and to celebrate the Kings Heath Walk of Fame are holding a special event in Fletchers Bar. There will be a showing of a newly released film at 1pm and then four hours of live and recorded music from 3pm. We still have some tickets left – just £4.

On Sunday 15th Steve Gibbons is playing at the Kitchen Garden at 8pm (Doors 7.30), plus Come Vinyl With Me in Fletchers Bar from 5pm – 10pm.

Storytelling Cafe presents Return to Lyonesse on Wednesday 18th (a mixture of powerful oral storytelling and achingly beautiful music), and to round off the month the incredible Kris Drever and Eamon Coyne on Sunday 22nd, the best female singer of 2013 (Spiral Earth Awards) Patsy Matheson on Wednesday 25th and the return of Songbird – The Eva Cassidy Story on Sunday 29th.

Moving onto early October, on Tuesday 1st the venue hosts Session Americana, a band/collective of talented musicians who offer a musical experience unlike any other. An assortment of instruments are passed around in a sort of freewheeling, modern hootenany with an anything-could-happen feel. “I’d give them 100 miles. That is to say, if they’re playing anywhere within 100 miles of your home, you drive there and are grandly rewarded for your effort.” (David Greenberger).

On Wednesday 2nd  Kirsty McGee and Katy Rose (KTB) are playing both solo and collaboratively, swapping and playing on each other’s songs in what promises to be a wonderful evenings music.

Dean Friedman has sold out on Sunday 6th, but tickets are still available for Luka Bloom on Wednesday 2nd.

Birmingham Comedy Festival runs from Friday4th-Sunday 13th October and the Kitchen Garden have three shows included, starting with Terry Christian’s stand-up debut “Confessions of a Recovering Catholic” on Tuesday 8th, Shazia Mirza headlining the Laughing Cows show on Wednesday 9th and Harriet Dyer with Freddie Farrell on Sunday 13th.

For details tickets and restaurant reservations call 0121 443 4725, e-mail or call in at the Cafe or Bar.