Astride the A435 on the southern edge of Birmingham, Kings Heath could do with a make-over.
To assist with its revival Kings Heath Centre Partnership (KHCP) is submitting a bid for the High Street to become one of 12 ‘Portas Pilots’ around the UK.
Winning bidders will receive up to £100k to be spent on specific initiatives that test the recommendations laid out in the Portas Review. These aim to improve small town centres and high street;, making them more financially viable, nicer places to visit and shop and to build the local community.
A written proposal will be submitted outlining a plan to reduce empty properties, create new opportunities for small businesses and make Kings Heath a greener, more sustainable place to live, work and shop. The proposal is supported by many businesses and organisations in Kings Heath and has already attracted significant match funding.
Becoming a Portas Pilot town would enable Kings Heath to speed up the pace of existing projects and implement new activities.
Here’s the video KHCP have made to support their bid.