The Birmingham Press

A cluster of keepers

Andy Munro talks about the early signs of transfer activity at St Andrews.

Maybe a new grammatical term needs to be introduced for a collection of goalkeepers, given ‘Arry’s first signing. The new custodian is a great keeper but wouldn’t probably have appeared on any Bluenose ‘player priority’ list’. In the past I’ve likened ‘Arry to a better class Barry Fry, in footballing nouse terms. and signing a great keeper is all very well but seems strange when we’ve got an excellent one in situ and we’ve just awarded an extended contract to the existing reserve.

We all remember Bazza signing a winger in Ricky Otto when we really needed a centre forward but Bazza said he was too good a player not to sign. Unfortunately Ricky had as much bottle as a milk carton and he was eventually bombed out. However, in those days we had a decent budget with the early bloomings of the Sullivan/Gold love affair with the Blues but the worry is that ‘Arry won’t have the money to address our real priorities.

After all, David Stockdale may have been out of contract but setting up a new one can’t have been cheap. Let’s hope the owners realise that ‘Arry will just walk away if he thinks he’s been hung out to dry financially.

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