The Birmingham Press

Blair: Big Trouble in Little Britain

Always The Pal

Blair: how will history see him?



So, ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair thinks the right thing to do is get in touch with Rebekah Brooks to offer advice on the growing legal storm that eventually led to a High Court trial over phone hacking.

As my son tweeted the other day: Why should anyone be surprised? It’s Blair.

Damn right. It’s Blair. Tony Blair is the man who illegally forced Britain into two wars, resulting in tens of thousands of deaths (including many UK soldiers), the destruction of a couple of countries and, despite his holier than thou carapace, a loving friendship with Rupe the Snoop Murdoch then, eventually, a touching liaison with Mrs Snoop too.

No…no surprise that Blair said he was available to Brooks (legally, I might add). She was a pal facing big trouble in little Britain. She now sits in the dock charged with conspiracy to hack phones  and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice (the latter is extremely serious, by the way)

Obviously, one has to watch what you say or write during a live trial. But it is safe to comment on the poisonous networking of the Murdoch clan. It is fact that Mrs Brooks and her buddies (including those buddies that have been thrown to the dogs) are or were big pals with Cameron. Remember the Boxing Day walks up a nearby Cotswold hill, the access to Chequers, the unrecorded chats between the freshly minted Prime Minister and the News Intl thugs spreading bile on their pages?

Remember the reams of emails and messages between Downing Street and News Intl HQ cretins during the News Intl heyday before the vomit of the hacking scandal hit the fan?

They had that most powerful of weaponry: access to power.

Of course, Cameron ran a mile once charges were laid. But it seems Blair didn’t. He rang Mrs Brooks up, according to court proceedings, and said basically “How can I help?”

The connections of those in power, whether it is political or through the media, is overwhelming.

As we poor people peep about under the Colossi that really run this country, we must remember there is another Britain, a piratical well-heeled elite that steers this ship both domestically and internationally.

Blair, egregious as he is now, still elicits power. I wrote on this site last spring how I was in Burma and saw him in the garden of a Rangoon hotel, peeping at the hot sun just off a plane waiting for some under the radar meeting with  the Burmese hardmen. Why was he there? Why wasn’t it reported? What did he want (besides a fat cheque)?

Maybe because what he does now, and enriches himself by it, is breathe and live in this under the radar world….the quiet call to a friend who as a Murdoch lackey is about to face serious charges, a friendly private evening with The Boss’s wife, the unscheduled visit to Burma, the connections that make him rich and do little for the land he once led.

Blair…a serious case for review.

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