The Birmingham Press

BBC Strike: Sir Howard Gives You The Background

Howard Elston reports


From Sir Howard Elston,  our noted media commentator.

I have been asked to contribute a background report on why BBC journalists have gone on strike today and allowed the radio and tv to be dominated by inexhaustible  coverage (known as fodder in the trade)) of Brazilian politics, a never ending   piece on the Pope’s early Nazi career and baseball scores from Mexico.

This is because  of a strike by journalists.  BBC bosses  are waking up the 21 st c and sacking people who are mid career, have mortgages,  a baby or two and still don’t have enough cash to buy a Mondeo.

Execs  deep within  Broadcasting House have taken the initiative and are cutting back. They have taken this decision because they somehow missed sacking Jimmy Savile when he used BBC property for 40 years as a sexual playground with underage kids.

So, repeats are  being vomited out to plug huge gaps in BBC news programming. The Corporation’s flagship morning TV show, BBC One’s Breakfast, was replaced by Bargain Hunt and Escape to the Country.  It is reported that viewing figures rose immediately by 56%.

Our tv critic Nigel, a top drawer planner from Sunderland,  explains: ‘I was brought up on Tyne Tees TV  with  stories about quacking ducks and working class kids who could do calculus at the age of 6.’

‘So the Beeb was never a part of our lives.’

‘But I am outraged that low paid journalists  are being chucked out of jobs for life with the best pensions scheme in the island and with expense sheets that could fill a library.’

Today Sky Tv,  owned by Lord Sir Rupert  Murdoch,  and The Daily Mail, which is run by a  nasty littler creep, ran innumerable reports on the strike because they hate the BBC website because it is so good— and free (for now).


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