The Birmingham Press

Thought for the weekend: Give a little

Gordon Harley reckons you only need to give a little to make a big difference.

People often believe that to make a difference we need to make big or grand gestures.

Yes, it would be good to have enough money to be able to fund a hospice; to have the time to help out at a women’s shelter; to help a refugee improve their English language skills. The list is quite large.

In truth not all of us have either the time or the money for such things. Is that a reason for doing nothing? I would argue not.

All of us have the capacity for making a big difference with just a small gesture – a smile. If you doubt me just try it with your loved ones. You do not need a rictus grin – just a gentle smile. There will be no earthquakes but it will make a difference to you and those you smile at.


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