The Birmingham Press

Birmingham: ‘City of the Future’

Birmingham Friends of the Earth present the ‘City of the Future’ event, 20th March at Birmingham’s Council House – which is now available for registration.

Birmingham - 'City of the Futiure'

Birmingham - 'City of the Futiure'

The intention is to bring together a variety of people from all walks of life to discuss something that concerns us all: The economy.

The idea behind this event is to inspire people with the idea that Birmingham can lead the way in revolutionising our country’s sustainable economy.

The evening will see a panel of four economic professionals including representatives from the New Economics Foundation and Centre for a Steady-State Economy, propose 3 items for a ‘manifesto for a city of the future’. Each item will be focusing on young people and their chances for future employment and a better environment.

The manifesto will look forward to what the city could be like if different economic policies and practices were adopted.

The items proposed by the speakers will then be cross examined by a panel of representatives from local organisations and residents, then opening the discussion up to the audience.

The evening is to be chaired by the Birmingham Post editor, Alun Thorne.

If you’re interested, please sign below for a reservation as places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Register here

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