The Birmingham Press

Culloden mark 2?

Andy Munro is impressed as Blues beat Rangers.

Not quite a repeat of the eighteenth century rout of the Scots but for long periods Blues were that dominant. This was the Rooney Plan done properly with possession-based football from the back despite a high press. Bailey Peacock-Farrell was at the heart of that tactic, calmly playing the ball out even when under pressure and the difference being the injection of talent in front of him that the new manager has brought into the side.

Willum Willumsson really stood out commanding the midfield and still finding time to attack with Koji Miyoshi out wide a bundle of tricks. Outside on the other flank, Emil Hansson was very direct and a handful for the hard-pressed Rangers defence. The classy Jordan James was also at the heart of things and it is a shame that he may have to leave to fund other signings.

The first half brace came courtesy of an own goal and a great piece of finishing from Alfie, May whose pace and sharpness completely belies his 30 plus years. The back was kept tight with Dion Sanderson and Krytian Bielik calm and collected, giving Ethan Laird the chance to bomb forward whilst not forgetting his defensive duties. On the other flank an aggressive but skilful Alex Cochrane will make the battle for the left-back slot interesting.

Overall it was a very heartening performance and whilst Rangers would only just make it near the bottom of the English Premier League it was a display that augurs well for the future. The introduction of nine substitutes obviously upset the rhythm a bit and without that, we probably would have won by two or three.

On the general improvements off the field, the ground has generally been upped in terms of facilities although my internet as usual didn’t work and the pilot turnstile operation to allow fans to enter without the need for a turnstile operator was slow thanks to a rather sleepy security man outside ‘instructing people’.

Incidentally I’m not sure how the Rangers fans were able to smuggle in flares unless it was down the front of their trousers, which was a risk that most of us wouldn’t take! On the subject of Rangers fans, they should be commended for their unceasing support despite being soundly beaten but if I had a pound for every parody I saw of Rab C Nesbitt then I would be a lot berttr off than I am!

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