The Birmingham Press

Lions kept in check

Andy Munro watches Blues draw at home to Millwall.

This was the usual war of attrition against a Gary Rowett side who are well schooled if not particularly attractive to watch.

Blues couldn’t have had a worse start when we conceded an admittedly dubious free-kick and for John Ruddy to uncharacteristically palm the ball into his own net.

Protecting a one goal lead is manna from heaven for a Rowett side and in the first half we huffed and puffed to no avail not helped by yet another Scott Hogan penalty miss – surely his last go at those duties! Luckily our second period was a lot brighter and yet again bright youngster Jay Stanfield was on hand to cooly slot home. However, for me the star of the show was Ivan Sunjic, who kept the whole team ticking whilst at the back both Dion Sanderson and Kevin Long headed away or cleared the usual aerial bombardment that the Lions bring to games.

Certainly it was a solid point to add to a solid start taking us into the break and a brief well-deserved rest, but more important to giv injured players a chance to recover and to help the recent plethora of new arrivals to settle in.

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