The Birmingham Press

When is the Right Time to Get Braces?

Orthodontic tips throughout the years.

Though they are frequently associated with adolescence, this is not always the best time for you to get braces. They might often be found in teenage mouths, there are several other life stages where it might actually prove to be a better idea to get braces. Let’s take a closer look at some of the times of your life where it might be a good idea to invest in them.

Let’s start with one of the most common life periods where people choose to get braces. The teenage years are often the most popular times to consider braces, and many parents choose to pay for their teenagers to get this dental treatment at this time.

If parents can afford braces, whether they are private or provided by the NHS, they will opt for them. This will help to relieve some of the financial pressures that an adult might face. How much braces cost will always depend on the style of the braces themselves and whether they are provided privately. Having a parent cover the costs can be incredibly beneficial to the teenager.

This can also be a good time to address any issues that might flair up. We do a tremendous amount of growing in our teenage years, and this can lead to some issues with our jaw and alignment flaring up. Fixing them with teeth braces while we are still growing should hopefully help to prevent further issues later in life.

Some people choose to delay getting braces until they are adults. These are not always the cheapest, and so some prefer to wait until they are in a comfortable financial position. This way, they know that they will be able to afford the care that they really need. If the treatments and procedures they require go beyond a humble aligner, they are going to be able to afford it comfortably.

There are a few who choose to wait until adulthood too as they can have more say on the types of treatment that they receive. If they were to get them in their adolescence, their parents might have final say – and this could mean that their wishes are not always taken into consideration. If they want to choose something like clear braces, or a more detailed regime with a higher standard of results, waiting until adulthood means that they get to dictate these choices.

In addition to this, braces in adulthood might be needed to correct something that went wrong earlier. Though the right treatment should help teeth to stay in place, there is always a chance that they might move within your mouth. Further corrective treatment – whether it is a retainer to get things back in position or a new procedure entirely – is not always the most popular of options, but it should be something you should look into if necessary.

There are some options available to those before adolescence. Tackling orthodontic issues earlier in life can be beneficial as it could mean that less work is needed in teenage or adult years. How do braces work with this age group? It is very different to what we might see with older users.

If you are older, your braces might be designed to pull your teeth in a certain way to make them straighter. Since this is pulling them out of the natural positions that they grew in, there is a chance that they might return to their first positions once more. With childhood braces, they are often built to encourage the jaw to grow in a certain way. This can be a lot more natural and easier to manage, especially if the child is going through a growth spurt before adolescence.

It can also remove one pressure from your children if they are worried about having braces during their teenage years. Since there is a lot to focus on as they grow and begin to develop more responsibility, moving a small hurdle like braces out of their way can be a good move to make. Depending on the work that they need, it might actually be better for them to have braces in their late childhood. Always speak to your child’s orthodontist to find out what the best path might be.

When is the Right Time?
The right time will always be dependent on the individual. Some might do better with braces later in life, such as in adulthood, while others might manage them better as children. On top of this, there are still many advantages to teenagers having braces, as we usually see. Whether you are a parent or just considering your own dental health, there are many pros and cons to each stage where you might want to have braces. Everyone’s journey will be different!

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