The Birmingham Press

BBC Midlands help launch Coronavirus appeal in Chinatown

Charities and local businesss combine to source and organise deliveries of medical supplies.

Access Self Storage Birmingham has set aside storage space dedicated to receiving masks and medical supplies to help fight the Coronavirus crisis. The Birmingham Chinatown Lions charity and other members of the Chinatown community will be sourcing and collecting the much needed supplies which due to their high demand and risk of human profiteering cannot be ordered in bulk.

The Chinatown Access Self Storage based in central Birmingham has affiliations with the Chinatown Lions charity and, whilst space allows, has donated a 50 sq ft store room to receive and securely stockpile these much needed supplies.

The Chinatown Lions is a charity that works tirelessly to deliver fund-raising projects that aim to change lives for the better and meet people’s needs wherever they exist nationally as well as internationally. James Wong, Chairman of Birmingham Southside BI, is the driving force behind the appeal for supplies.

Jason Jones of Access Self Storage Birmingham and Member of Chinatown Lions said: “The Chinatown businesses, Lions, partners, supporters as well as our local Access Self Storage team are all working together to collect the life saving equipment that can help stem the spread of the Coronavirus.

“The most vital supplies right now are medical attire, chiefly masks and gowns. Because these are in short supply, purchases are often rationed or limited to medical professionals only. We are providing a depot in which all the deliveries can arrive and be held securely until a giant shipment can be arranged out to Wuhan. The Lions Club and other members of the Chinatown community are helping in sourcing and organising these deliveries to the Access Storage Chinatown store here in Birmingham.”

James Wong, chair of the Southside BID added: “This is a cross-community project between businesses and groups in Birmingham’s Chinatown who are pulling together to help prevent the spread of this virus both in China and beyond, but we also welcome support from any individuals and businesses who might want to help us in our efforts.”

The medical supplies in most demand are disposable gowns, masks and coveralls. Any charity or supplier that wishes to get involved in donating medical supplies for Wuhan can contact Access Self Storage Chinatown Birmingham on 0808 278 1530.

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