The Birmingham Press

Miniatura prepares for anniversary show


NEC to host miniatures from around the world.

Miniatura, the show dedicated to all things miniature is getting all prepared for its seventieth show.

Miniaturists from all around the UK and abroad, are currently busying themselves creating more miniatures and new designs to exhibit at the event. Meanwhile, the team of Andy, Bob and Muriel Hopwood are putting the final touches to their plans for this special anniversary show.

The Miniatura show features only the very best miniature artisans who work in 1/12th and related scales – right down to quarter scale (1/48th) and even as small as 1/144th which is one twelfth of one twelfth. These skilled craftspeople create the most intricate and delicate works of art that just have to be seen to be believed. And exhibitors are always delighted to talk to the visiting public about their work. Additionally, there will be a wide variety of talks and workshops to engage in. In fact, Miniatura really is a flagship for the doll’s house hobby.

Organiser, Andy Hopwood says: “We’re very excited about our 70th show, it’s a real milestone. It’s going to be a very special event for us, but also many of our exhibitors are marking the occasion by creating new anniversary pieces to add to their collection.”

The show will be held at the Birmingham NEC on 24th and 25th March 2018, marking 35 years of being at the NEC, with shows each spring and autumn.

For full details, to buy tickets and see a full listing of exhibitors on the gallery pages visit:

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