The Birmingham Press

Sir Howard: Winter shock claim row horror exclusive

Sir Howard Elston lifts the snowy lid on the cold weather that has beleaguered UK-ville.


Angry Brits have launched a blistering attack on the freezing weather today (writes Lord Elston in his furry slippers as he huddles in front of his electric fire).

They are furious and shocked that it is cold in winter, I can reveal. One livid resident told me: “It’s late December and I still have to wear a hat.”

And another complained: “Bloody hell, snow this time of year? What’s happening to this crazy world of ours?

Last night, to test these feelings, I walked the frozen streets of Britain to find:

Phil, a Leeds car dealer and a leading weather person, commented: “Fwar, there’s a nip in the air. I blame it on Labour and their policy to ban summer if they get into power.”

Do you have a story about this abnormal weather pattern causing cold to blight our winter? Write to: 




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