The Birmingham Press

Fort Dunlop to #KissForACure

Iconic building raising funds for Cure Leukaemia.

Historic Birmingham landmark Fort Dunlop will be supporting blood cancer charity Cure Leukaemia for the next 12 months with a host of fun and innovative fundraising ideas.

This June, the whole building, which houses over 40 companies and over 2000 employees on site, will be taking part in their #KissForACure campaign. The campaign will encourage male and female tenants to wear red lipstick, take a selfie, post it on social media, nominate friends to do the same and donate £5 to Cure Leukaemia in the process.

The hope is that this fun idea will raise both awareness and vital funds for the charity. The iconic building, which was built 100 years ago and was previously the main tyre factor for Dunlop Rubber, will also be heavily involved in Blood Cancer Awareness Month this September and plans are in place for further fundraising during the festive period.

The building’s host Rebecca Martin said: “We are so excited at Fort Dunlop to start raising money for such an inspiring charity, with a motivated and optimistic team we are looking forward to the future as an official partner of Cure Leukaemia. Our #KissForACure campaign is quirky and fun so I hope it an idea that really kick-starts the partnership.”

“We have lots of ideas for September as well and we’re looking forward to sharing them later this year!”

Cure Leukaemia’s Head of Corporate Partnerships Jackie Kelly added: “We are thrilled to have the support of the City’s most iconic landmarks. The building houses some of Birmingham’s most influential businesses and having the opportunity to engage with their employees to raise funds and awareness for Cure Leukaemia will be of great benefit to patients battling this terrible disease.”

“The #KissForACure campaign is an idea I am sure will catch the eye and raise vital funds at the same time. We look forward to working closely with Fort Dunlop in the months ahead.”

To get involved in the #KissForACure campaign, post your selfies on social media using #KissForACure and donate via

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