The Birmingham Press

Vegan Society CEO signs up for Great Birmingham Run

Personal best aim for regular city runner.

The CEO of the oldest vegan charity in the world has signed up to take part in the Morrisons Great Birmingham Run, on Sunday 18th October. This will be the fourth time in five years that Jasmijn De Boo, 40, has taken part in the event.

Jasmijn, CEO of the charity since 2011, wants to not only show that a vegan diet is entirely compatible with an active lifestyle, but that it contributes to it greatly. She aims to run the event in less than an hour and 45 minutes.

The charity, based in Birmingham’s Jewellery Quarter, has been promoting the benefits of veganism since 1944. In 1990, it established its own trademark, which now features on over 18,000 vegan products.

Jasmijn started running seriously four years ago, and completed the Great Birmingham Run in 2011 in 1 hour 58 minutes. She reduced that time in 2012 to 1 hour and 51 minutes. In 2013, she achieved a time of 1 hour 43 minutes and is hoping to better that time this year.

She commented: “Staying active and healthy is extremely important to me, and my vegan diet definitely helps. Because The Vegan Society is headquartered in Birmingham, it makes sense for me to take part in The Great Birmingham Run as often as I can! I missed it last year due to an injury but I’m hoping to log my best time yet.”

Jasmijn is following a regimented training programme, which involves three short runs a week, plus a long run on a Sunday. To enter the Morrisons Great Birmingham Run, go to:

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