The Birmingham Press

Conan Doyle convention announced

Horror publisher KnightWatch tell of a dramatic day in the annals of Victorian fiction.

The 30th of May is the day – the day of the very first Conan Doyle convention, being hosted by KnightWatch Press. This is a first for the gang at KnightWatch and we would be delighted if you can join with us in all the hijinks inspired by Conan Doyle’s Eponymous scientific hero, Professor Challenger. We’ll also be talking Holmes and Mycroft.

The City Tavern, Birmingham is the place – the place to be for all Conan Doyle fans, where we will kick things off with a discussion led by our special guest Tom Ue from the University College of London about Conan Doyle’s little known scientific hero, Professor Challenger.

Next will be a panel hosted by Michael R Brush on Sherlock vs Challenger where we will debate the great differences between Detective and Scientist.

But that’s not all. Along with the launch of an amazing Challenger short story collection, compiled and edited by the KnightWatch Team, we will also be hosting a panel, led by Theresa Derwin, on Steampunk vs Historical fiction where we will discuss how the Victorian era inspired the world of literature and how Steampunk became a new genre of literature.

All of this is enough to whet the appetite but there’s more books a coming. Michael R Brush will be releasing his very own book centred around the character Mr Holmes – Mycroft Holmes that is, in an utterly new and original story that explores the famous sleuth’s brother. Look out for Mycroft Holmes and the Necromancer by Michael R Brush.

Finally, we move on to the day’s main event. A 90 minute play, presented by Don’t Go into The Cellar, which explores The Singular Exploits of Sherlock Holmes.

This is an event for all Conan Doyle fans both young and old, we welcome you one and all and look forward to you joining us at Conan Doyle Con.

Tickets are available at

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