The Birmingham Press

Clothing warning for bikers

Hitting the road is not always a good thing.

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For bikers, there is nothing more enjoyable than taking advantage of a warm summer’s evening by jumping on two wheels and heading off onto the open road, something that is enjoyed safely by the majority of people.

However, statistics show that motorbike users are the road group with the highest rate of accidents and casualties per mile travelled and it is for that reason that West Midlands Ambulance Service is issuing some safety advice.

Figures show that motorcyclists are approximately 38 times more likely to be killed in a road accident than car occupants, per mile ridden, whilst in 2013, 331 bikers died and 4,866 were seriously injured in collisions on Britain’s roads.

In order to help you stay out of trouble it is important to anticipate the actions of others, be alert and slow down when necessary, be able to stop if the unexpected happens, position yourself in the safest place to observe potential hazards and always take a second glance over your shoulder before carrying out any manoeuvre.

However, sometimes incidents are unavoidable and it is in those situations where you are able to give yourself the best possible chance of surviving, by ensuring you have kitted yourself out in protective clothing before setting out on your journey.

Tarmac is extremely unforgiving should you come into contact with it, therefore all motorcyclists are urged to make sure they are wearing their helmet, as well as protective jackets, trousers, gloves and boots each time they go out. Motorbike paramedic and star of TV’s Emergency Bikers, Mark Hayes, said: “Unfortunately, motorcyclists get a bad press, purely because of the amount of injuries suffered and the amount that turn fatal. I believe as a motorcyclist that a lot of these accidents are avoidable and we can minimise injury by wearing the correct gear.”

Fellow paramedic and Emergency Biker Steve Harris added: “I would never dream of riding a bike without boots, leathers, armour, gloves and a crash helmet. I don’t care what the weather is like, I don’t care how hot it is, I still need to be protected. You might be very tempted to ride a bike with your t-shirt on, but should anything occur you are going to suffer. There is nothing worse than sliding down the road without protection on.”

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