The Birmingham Press

Spend Friday night in a cardboard box

Register now and help raise funds for city homeless.

Christian charity the Birmingham City Mission is making a call for participants to take part in the 2014 Sponsored Sleepout to be held on Friday 28th February, when people of all ages (from 7 to 70+) will come together to spend the night in a cardboard box to raise funds for BCM’s work with homeless people and increase awareness of what it’s really like to sleep rough.

The fundraising event, taking place in the gated car park of BCM headquarters from 8pm to 6am, includes a presentation on the work of BCM, hot drinks and soup until midnight, and breakfast from 5am–6am.

For more information or to register for the Sleepout, please call Birmingham City Mission on 0121 766 6603 or visit

“It was a long cold night as I lay in a cardboard box out in the open.  But for me, it was only on e night – unlike hundreds of homeless folk in the city of Birmingham.  I was able to raise money to enable BCM go on helping such people.” – Sleepouter 2013 .

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