The Birmingham Press

A Jazz Ramble at Winterbourne House and Garden

For the third year running Winterbourne House and Garden will play host to the 29th Birmingham International Jazz Festival, being joined on the 6th July by The Jazz Ramblers on a balmy evening of music and stunning scenery.

Jazz RamblersThe Jazz Ramblers, lead by guitar/banjo player Brian Mellor will delight with a range of songs from the great Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington with plenty toe-tapping good-time tunes that evoke the 1930s and 40s.

With the backdrop of the Edwardian house and Grade II listed garden, the experience promises to be a summer highlight, and this year even the weather promises to sing from the same hymn sheet!

Anna Fawcett, Marketing Manager at Winterbourne explains what the event means to regular and new visitors: ‘We know this is a highlight for many of our regular visitors and members, who so enjoy being in the garden for such a sensory experience. It’s also a chance for visitors to the city to see the other side of Birmingham: What a pleasure to enjoy live music in a quintessential English garden, complete with songbirds and the scent of many flowers, as the sun sets.’

The Jazz Festival is running over ten days and playing in 85 venues, with many experienced and well known artists  playing across the city.

Tickets are priced at £10 for adults and £6 for concessions. There will be some seating available which is offered on a first come, first served basis, and a licensed bar will be serving drinks and snacks throughout the night. Picnic blankets and fold down chairs are welcome, as are picnic baskets!

For more information about the festival visit and for more information about Winterbourne House and Garden visit

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