The Birmingham Press

One weekend. Two wheels. Hundreds of bike rides

British Cycling’s Breeze Network was established to get more women on their bikes and for the second year in a row, the Big Breeze Bike Ride aims to do just that – and it’s coming to Birmingham.


Big Breeze Bike Ride


As part of the UK’s biggest ever initiative to boost female cycling, Breeze will be providing the biggest number of bike riding opportunities over one single weekend, Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 June, and it’s calling on local women to dust off their bikes and get involved.

Organised by Breeze champions, these local events will see like-minded women setting up bike rides to share the two-wheeled fun.

When: Sunday 23 June

Ride starting from: Wyndley Leisure Centre, Sutton Coldfield, B73 6EB

Start time: 11.00am

How to get involved: book on a ride at

This ride is the perfect way to explore Birmingham and will take in the stunning scenery of the area.

Olympic silver medallist and Breeze Ambassador, Jess Varnish, says: “The best thing about cycling is that anyone can do it, and in whatever form they like. I’m looking forward to seeing more women riding bikes and, most importantly, enjoying every moment. The Big Breeze Bike Ride is a great opportunity to get that confidence on two wheels, whilst having great fun with your friends.  Ladies – don’t miss out; make sure you get on your bike on 22 / 23 June”

If you still needed further motivation:

No bike? No problem. The website’s Find a Bike option will let you search by postcode for your nearest bike hire or women-friendly bike shop.

To get involved and find your nearest Big Breeze Bike Ride visit


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