The Birmingham Press

Coventry University seeks new governors

Coventry University will have a number of vacancies on its Board of Governors from September 2013, and is encouraging those who are interested to get in touch.


The Hub - Coventry University

The Hub – Coventry University

The Board of Governors carries responsibility for ensuring the effective management of the University and for planning its future development.

The board is made up of individuals drawn from outside the University with experience in the areas of business, industry, commerce and other professional and charitable sectors.

Governors are involved with overseeing the University’s activities, determining its future direction and helping to create an environment in which the institution’s goals can be achieved and the potential of students is maximised.

The term of office for a university governor is usually a fixed term of three years, with the option to serve for a further term. Appointments are of a public service nature and are therefore not remunerated – the University will, however, meet reasonable expenses claims.

It is an exciting time to be part of the Board of Governors, with the University recently unveiling two new state-of-the-art facilities – the Hub and the Engineering and Computing Building – as part of a £100m campus redevelopment, and the institution seeing continued improvements in performance in every major league table.

Coventry University is also enhancing its reputation in the global education market, with partnerships established in China, India, Hong Kong, Nigeria and parts of Europe.

Anyone interested in becoming a governor should send an up-to-date CV, together with a brief statement of what they can bring to the role, to the Clerk of the Board of Governors, Matt Challoner, by no later than Friday 24th May 2013. CVs should be sent to Coventry University, Priory Street, Coventry, CV1 5FB. Alternatively, they can be emailed to


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