The Birmingham Press

‘Appy Days’ for motorists as Coventry firm helps to banish the parking blues

The age-old dilemma of trying to find your vehicle when parking in unfamiliar places or multi-storey car parks is now a thing of the past thanks to a Coventry innovation specialist.


Find your car

RDM Telematics, which supplies cutting-edge hardware and software solutions to the automotive sector, has developed and successfully launched its first ever App and confused motorists are already snapping it up.

Nearly 1000 copies of ‘Park and Find’ have been purchased since it was uploaded to the Apple Store, with the Binley Industrial Estate firm hoping this initial surge will provide a platform for three new ventures into the world of downloads.

Dr Richard Fairchild

Dr Richard Fairchild

“In a nutshell, our App helps the user to find their vehicle when parking in unfamiliar car parks by allowing them to record its location through both GPS and by taking a picture,” explained Dr Richard Fairchild, head of RDM Telematics.

“This is particularly useful if you are in a foreign city or at a massive venue when everything looks the same and there could be thousands of spaces…airports, shopping centres and theme parks spring readily to mind. We’ve all been in that situation.”

He continued: “There’s a lot of hidden gems built into ‘Park and Find’ too, including setting your own reminder for when payment is expiring, a notes section for easy reminders and camera facility to automatically record any damage that might have occurred.

“Better still, the ‘Find my Car’ button takes you to a selection of maps, which will create a walking route direct to your vehicle.”

‘Park and Find’, which has a five star rating on the Apple Store, was originally 69p to download, but for the next two weeks will be free of charge in order to build the user base even more.

For further information, visit or contact 02476 635818.

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