The Birmingham Press

The Public on the up

The Public arts centre in West Bromwich attracted record visitor numbers in 2012, welcoming 359,876 people through its distinctive pink doors, up 52%, from 236,869 the previous year. 

The Public

The Public

During the last 12 months, the iconic arts centre’s diverse programme has featured everything from well established community activities, including St Patrick’s Day celebrations and highly popular annual Summer Exhibition, through to exciting creative projects featuring international artists working alongside George Salter students to create cutting edge works of art.

From sell-out comedy nights starring big names such as Al Murray and Alexei Sayle, to an increasingly popular holiday programme for children and families, the Black Country venue continues to attract a people of all ages and backgrounds.

In 2012 visitor numbers attending free museums and galleries rose by 9% nationally.  With The Public experiencing a 52% increase, the West Bromwich venue has far exceeded the national average. 

Burlesque at The PublicLinda Saunders, Managing Director of The Public said:“Everyone connected with The Public has worked really hard to make it live up to its name and become a place for everyone.

“We are delighted by how many regular supporters we have from Sandwell as well the increasing numbers of people from all over the country who are visiting for the first time.

“We are all looking forward to the opening of the huge New Square development in June 2013 when many more people will discover West Bromwich and The Public.”

Councillor Linda Horton, cabinet member for leisure services, said: “Sandwell Council is pleased the support it has given The Public over the last few years is now bearing fruit and local residents are benefiting from it.”

For more information about events, exhibitions and workshops at The Public visit or call 0121 533 7161.

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