The Birmingham Press

Rooms with a view at Winterbourne House and Garden

Winterbourne House and Gardens has a new range of fascinating rooms for the public to experience and explore following its full restoration to its Edwardian glory in May 2010. The rooms will be open to the public from January 28.

Winterbourne House and GardensProviding visitors with the unique opportunity of viewing the Nettlefield family’s private quarters as they would have been when the family lived in the house over 100 years ago, the rooms offer an insight into how both servants and family co – existed.

The hobbies room will include a stamp collection, book plates belonging to the Nettlefold children and many examples of the very popular Magic Lanterns, which the family enjoyed.

The nursery has been brought back to life and will give the public a rare glimpse at the sort of toys the children would have played with, and where they would have passed their leisure time.

While very few of the children’s toys and personal belongings have survived, almost all of the items on display are of the original period; playthings such as the antique rocking horse and the timeless china tea-set capture the Edwardian childhood.

The nursemaid’s room will also be open to invite the public to see the comparatively staid appearance of the room and furnishings.

This project has been planned for a long time as Lee Hale, Curator at Winterbourne House and Garden explains: ‘It was always our hope when the house was originally refurbished that further exhibitions could be added in the future as there is so much history in the Nettlefold archives to bring to life.’

‘The nursery is in the same room in which the Nettlefold children would have played, and it’s great to see the room back to its Edwardian self. We are sure the new rooms will delight existing visitors as well as attracting new ones.’

The rooms also have another hidden attraction; the views from the windows are truly breathtaking as the nursery overlooks the Top lawn, Terrace and Nut walk.  Visitors can expect different views and delights whatever time of the year they visit.

Winterbourne House and Garden is open from 10:00am – 4:00pm seven days a week and is situated on Edgbaston Park Road. Parking can be found near the entrance of the house and the tearoom provides hot & cold food and drinks. Entry to the house and garden is £5 and children under 5 visit for free.

For more information about the house, visit or call 0121 414 3003.

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