The Birmingham Press

A conversation within Laurence Inman

By Laurence Inman.

–         So, Spain won then.

–         Did it ? When ?

–         Last Sunday.

–         What did it win then ?

–         The football.

–         One football. A whole country.

–         You’re just being a prat now.

–         I’m not that bothered.

–         You were bothered when Villa won the European Cup.

–         No I wasn’t.

–         Villa! Villa! Come on Bluenose! Join in!

–         Youthful exuberance.

–         You were thirty-two!

–         Alcohol exuberance. You’ll be the same when….oh no, you won’t will you ?

–         Don’t start.

–         Because a team from a lower division has never won Europe’s top football trophy.

–         I’ve told you.

–         Never scaled the rarefied heights of football glory.

–         I’m getting my axe.

–         Never looked out, silent upon a peak in Nechells, and realised that it’s all a meaningless memory.

–         That’s what you’ll be in a minute.

–         It’s different over there of course.

–         What is ?

–         Football. The fans have real power. Pick the team. Interview the manager.

–         Really ?

–         Yeah. It’s in their contract. You can phone them up and have them round playing with your kids in the back garden.

–         Honest ?

–         Oh yeah. If they’re free, obviously. They’ll even mow the lawn. Do the washing up.

–         You’re pulling my pudding.

–         Who’s the prat now ?

–         I wish it was more like that.

–         Give it ten years. Blues’ll be in the East Birmingham Paper Boys League. Playing down the park. Jumpers for goalposts.

–         Stop it.

–         You’ll only be seventy-two. They might give you a game.

–         Seventy-two!

–         Terrifying isn’t it ?

–         I wonder how much I’ve spent since 1957 to be wet and miserable for two hours every other Saturday.

–         Same as me probably.

–         And now it costs fifty quid or more.

–         Straight in the pocket of a multi-millionaire.

–         Who lives in a moated mansion in the country.

–         Imagine turning up there and asking him to come for a kick-around with the kids.

–         He’d probably let his Mossad-trained Rottweilers loose.

–         Shake you warmly by the goolies.

–         Doesn’t bear thinking about.

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