The Birmingham Press

Hot Off the Press: We Pick the Latest Oscar Favourite

Our arts correspondent, Howie Elston, reports from Hollywood on a timely movie that could grab the Oscar for best film.

Greece: Directed by Darren Costa Gavras . All cinemas as from Friday

There is no doubt in my mind that this fun loving political com-dram is not only the musical of the year but film of the year.

So, look out Oscar’s red carpet. Here comes a real winner.

Greece stars John Travolta as a fun living Athens based Prime Minister who falls in love with fun loving high stepping Financial Minister Olivia Newton-John.

They romp their way to laughs and japes a’plenty as they watch their country drop into an economic toilet. And there’s bombs a’ plenty too as they take on the harum-scarum rioters  and their mystery leader  Abu Qatada on those blood soaked Greek streets of passion.

Greece is not only a light romance. ‘Hot Lips’ Travolta may resemble a  fun loving Scientologist but he’s a also  a Gloucestershire University media studies graduate with a keen mind.

hi steppin Angie

And this means it’s a telling tale of modern times: Olivia flashes these lovely legs as she dances with the devils of Strasbourg. Travolta is the Alec Guinness of the Balkans and German topcat Angela Merkel has a walk-on part as a cigar munching Euro-crat.

There’s a romance  too as toothsome love interest Nick Sarkozy gets a plausible look-in as a Frenchmen with designs on our gamine Olivia.

But she fends him off, re-introduces the drachma and all is right in the land of Archimedes and Socrates.

So, it’s a cast iron ten out of ten on our Oscar-o-meter.

And  in case you live on the planet Mars and missed earlier reports of my  exclusive toptips for Hollywood’s top ceremony, here’s a quick rundown:

Iron Actress: Burned out politician Maggie Thatcher takes on a big role as she recreates the career of mimic Meryl Streep.

The Artist’s Silent Movie: Jeremy Clarkson meets a real challenge as he gets his big fat crummy mouth taped to the inside of his jockstrap and plays it all without words.

The Muppet: Jeremy Clarkson meets a real challenge as continues to get his big fat crummy mouth taped to the inside of his jockstrap.

War Badger: Spielberg rips the heart out of a decent  kids’ book to pour saccherine baloney  into your Cineplex. Look out for horses that cry and mares that read Jane Austin

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