The Birmingham Press

Birmingham man nails market gap

New app pinpoints the nearest nail salons wherever you are in the country, putting an end to beauty disasters.

Most women have been there – in a new place, stuck in unfamiliar surroundings when all of a sudden, a nail breaks, your make-up runs or your feet begin to hurt. You need a manicure, a beauty fix or a pedicure but, being in a new place, you have no idea where your nearest nail salon is – now there’s an app for that!

English-born Tony Teano, from Birmingham, already has a chain of successful nail salons behind him, with the Nails 4 U franchise and has now added the amusingly named Daily Nail app to his repertoire. The app lists the addresses and key details of over 1,000 nail salons across England and, by triggering your phone’s GPS, is able to search and display the nearest nail salons to a mobile user’s location. From there, you can save the details of all your favourite salons and even call one direct from the app, to book in an emergency appointment. You are also provided with directions to each individual nail salon from your current location, meaning that you will never be stranded without a nearby nail salon again.

Tony came up with the idea for the app, which is currently exclusive to iPhone, after receiving over 35,000 hits per month on an online salon database, storing the details of every salon trading in the country. He quickly realised that to have a searchable app wherever you are in the country would be a much more convenient commodity and set about collating information from all nail salons trading across England for the next three months. Today, the app stores the locations of 1,200 nail salons from all major counties and is frequently updated whenever a new nail salon opens.

The app itself, which is the only one of its kind currently on the app store, was developed by Shropshire developer Jon Dickenson, who worked on the product for four months on a profit share scheme. As well as being a useful commodity for beauty enthusiasts, the app is also set to boost the businesses of all featured salons, which are now listed in their own unique, mobile directory.

As well as those living and travelling within England, the app is also poised to benefit the international markets and act as a compulsory purchase for the millions who flock to the UK each year from such countries as America, China, Australia, India and Japan. The app will soon be released on Blackberry and Android markets, allowing a quick search of nearby nail salons to all smartphone users.

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