The Birmingham Press

Aston Opens Its Doors

The 2011 Aston Centenary Heritage Open Day will be taking place this Saturday 18th June, when many of the notable buildings in one of Birmingham’s most historic suburbs will be open to the public.

Included in the event will be a display of memorabilia at Villa Park, which will be on show in the McGregor Suite at the ground, and there will be a talk on the club’s history at 1pm. Other highlights include the Aston Manor Transport Museum, which will be running a free bus between the venues taking part, and Aston fire station, where visitors will have the opportunity to use fire hoses and see where Black Sabbath made their first public performance.

The historic Barton’s Arms will be offering refreshments and the chance to get a free lunch for the first twenty visitors, while there will be performances and workshops at the Drum opposite.  Other venues include Aston Library, Aston Parish Church, the Jame Masjid mosque, Sacred Heart & St Margaret’s church (which if you’ve never been inside before is truly stunning), Aston Hall and the South Aston United Reform Church. There’s also the chance to win a prize if you visit all the venues.

It’s all free, it starts at around noon (some venues may open later) and it really is a fascinating look at buildings you wouldn’t normally give a second glance.

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