The Birmingham Press

Teacher Twilight Sessions

The Public in West Bromwich have recently launched a new initiative to help teachers from the across region find out how they can use the arts centre as an educational resource.

Held on the second Wednesday of the month, the Teacher Twilight Sessions provide a valuable insight into the learning resources on offer at The Public.  Designed for teachers, educators and group leaders looking to hold a workshop, attend an activity or visit the gallery, the regular sessions will help educators identify how they can incorporate the interactive art gallery into their teaching practices.

Led by The Public’s Learning Team, the early evening sessions consist of a tour of the gallery followed by a discussion about the available workshop packages, their forthcoming exhibitions programme and digital projects.

Linda Saunders, Managing Director of The Public said, “The Public offers a unique setting for learners to be involved in pioneering and ambitious arts projects.  The Teacher Twilight sessions are a great way for The Public to form key partnerships with local educators and provide opportunities for learners to work outside their normal working environment and be creatively involved in both traditional and digital art forms.”

The sessions run from 4pm to 5.30pm on the second Wednesday of the month.  To register an interest in attending a session please contact The Public’s Learning Team on 0121 533 7155 or email

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